Crystal Green Farms is a mixed farm that has seen many changes over the years since establishing in the 1960s with my father and mother. We proudly grow certified organic wheat and other grain crops, as well as some vegetables. The farm has evolved naturally over time to meet our needs. Most importantly, these shifts reflect the passion Brian and I had for being farmers. We wholeheartedly enjoyed being together and doing the best job we could at looking after the soil and producing food. It is the reason we decided to become certified organic. In 2024, after a six year battle with cancer, Brian passed away, and now I am trusting each day that he watches over my humble endeavours. We have downsized significantly in the last year, from raising animals, and will no doubt make more changes going forward. Stay tuned for what's to come! The growing of organic wheat and milling it into flour was and is a wonderful part of what we have done over the years. I hope that I can continue that in a way that keeps the farm going and still answers to that passion I have. Crystal Green Farms booth at the Summerside Farmers market is open every Saturday from 9:00 to 1:00. This year, in 2025, the farm will be endeavouring to have flour and mixes available in more readily available places across the Island. Still your farmer, Kathy MacKay Crystal Green Farms Ltd
2377 Route 112 . Bedeque PEI . C0B 1C0 902 314 3823 [email protected] |