The meat in our meat boxes is all raised here on our farm,antibiotic and hormone free.Although we do not certify organic our meats as we do our vegetables,we use a lot of organic practices.We do make our feed on farm to control the inputs,for example we do not use corn in any of our feed .We raise Berkshire pigs,a heritage breed of black pigs.The breed of sheep we raise is a hair sheep called Katahdin,we find they are great mothers and easy care for our busy farm.Our beef at this point is a mix of Holstein and Angus,which produces a very lean meat.The chickens are raised free run in large straw bedded pens. NOTE: We now work with Hazel Grove Meat Shop in Hunter River to help fill our meat orders. Due to health problems we have cut back substantially on our work load but are confident in the meat we are sourcing :)